About toddlers and food

To a toddler, there is no real distinction made between a snack and meal, except maybe the social interaction which accompanies each. Studies have shown that grazing, or eating many small meals, is the healthiest way for young children to eat. It leads to fewer weight problems, teaches children to trust their true appetites, and maintains a more consistent blood sugar level.

   In light to this, it becomes even more important to provide children with snacks that are really mini-meals packed with nutrients to help meet their nutritional requirements. Recipes and products that are free of refined sugar allow you to give your child a greater variety of foods that are good for him and are fun to eat. This is because toddlers usually don't overeat, so the more of their caloric intake that is nutritious, the better off they'll be. For every empty sugar-laden calorie consumed, there is an equal reduction in nutritious calories eaten. keeping sugar out of your child's diet means letting more of the good things in. Sugar-free usually means nutrient-rich, and that is what food and toddlers are all about.


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